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        Do I need a Licence?
        Yes, A current firearms licence is required to look at and purchase ALL firearms and ammunition including primers and powder. BB guns/air rifles, antiques and replicas are all regulated and do require appropriate licencing. Air Soft Guns do fall into this category, but are not currently brought into the country.

        In South Australia, air rifle pellets & paintballs are no longer classified as ammunition and can be purchased without a licence.

        Can I buy firearms interstate?
        Yes, you can buy firearms from interstate, but there are some fees associated with the transfer. Please contact us for further details.

        How long will my permit take?
        Unfortunately, we cannot give an exact time frame on this as it is dependent on the workload of the SAPOL Firearms Branch.


        How do I store my firearms?

        Firearms must be stored according to the SA Firearms Act 2015 and SA Firearms Regulations 2017.|
        Please see Storage Requirements tabs on Info & Services

        Transporting of fire arms and ammo?

        Firearms must be transported covered as to not cause alarm by their sight. 

        (locks, cables or disassembly are not required by law)

        Where possible, in a vehicle, firearms should be stored in a separate compartment to ammunition. If not possible or practical, ammunition should be stored in a locked container.


         What is the mount of ammunition that I can have in my possession?
        28.7.2016—Firearms Regulations 2008 Acquisition and registration of firearms— Part 4
        36—Limit on quantity of ammunition
        A person must not own or have in his or her possession ammunition that exceeds the reasonable needs of that person for the immediately following 12 months.

        Do we buy second hand firearms?

        Yes, we do buy second hand firearms on consignment and outright. Please contact us for further details.